Pediatric Chiropractic Care in Simpsonville SC

chiropractor sees children for wellness chiropractic care

A pediatric chiropractor in Simpsonville SC can offer unparalleled benefits. At Carolina Life Chiropractic we are highly trained to ensure that every child has a proper functioning nervous system allowing them to go through healthy development. It is paramount that we check kids often to make sure their spine is not developing abnormally.

Children appear very durable, and most are still learning how to communicate things they feel. The chiropractor’s job is to check the kids’ spines for improper misalignments as they grow up. A seemingly small and meaningless misalignment can turn into a serious condition later in life, if not treated right away.

Some misalignments occur while the child is still in the womb. A child is curled up inside the mother and then stretched and pulled during birth. A study by Dr. Gutmann in 1000 newborns shortly after birth revealed that over 80% of infants had suffered trauma to their cervical spine (neck trauma) which resulted in vertebral subluxation.

Another study in 100 newborns showed somatic dysfunction of the cranial, lumbar and sacral regions common in healthy newborns related to the length of labor.

During birth, babies experience traction, rotation and hyperextension of their neck. Too much force to their little neck can cause vertebral subluxation and other structural and tissue damage leading to health issues later in life. Any interruption in the spine, is capable of causing health conditions by interfering with the child’s nervous system.

A functioning nervous system and spinal health is crucial to optimal development of children. As their bodies are always growing, they are constantly changing and under stress.

Schedule a time today to get your kids checked!

Chiropractic Care For Kids in Simpsonville SC

Regular chiropractic care checks are very important for your child.

Following birth, there is a lot of physical stress in the baby's life. Toddlers learning to crawl and walk end up falling many times. There is a lot of trial and error that takes a toll on their young bodies.

From the toddler to child stage, poor posture along with more physically demanding sports, activities and carrying heavy bookpacks make Children deal with more and more stress as they grow. Sports, sitting in class, getting their first jobs, long trips, watching TV and using electronics, contribute to stressors to the spine. They will grow up fast and their body will undergo more and more wear and tear.

The team at Carolina Life Chiropractic understands that children will always have small bruises and bumps as they grow up. With that said, we love having the opportunity to offer pediatric care for all children. We do our best to make sure your children can fight against sicknesses and stay healthy as they grow into adults. Our care is aimed to allow your children to go out and have fun but have a body that is prepared and healthy to support all the tumbles along the way.

Kids Come To See Us With

  • Colic
  • Bedwetting
  • Allergies
  • Autism
  • Ear infections
  • Trouble breastfeeding
  • Scoliosis
  • Asthma
  • Constipation
  • Birth Trauma
  • Anxiety
  • Developmental delays
  • Trouble walking
Chiropractic Simpsonville SC Kids on slide

We provide thorough examinations that are perfect for children of any age. Here at Carolina Life Chiropractic, we are going to do all that is needed and offer a step-by-step treatment plan that can help your child remain in optimal health.

“The principles of Chiropractic should be known and utilized in the growth of the infant and continue as a safeguard throughout life.”

- D.D. Palmer, Chiropractor’s Adjustor 1910


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By Appointment Only

Carolina Life Chiropractic

Simpsonville, SC